Friday, March 21, 2014

A to Z April Challenge: Theme Reveal

In a few days the A to Z April Challenge will begin. 

This morning I discovered that TODAY, March 21, is supposed to be our big “Theme Reveal” day.  Theme Reveal?  Did we do that before? 

Because I dragged my feet in signing up, I’m already behind and the challenge hasn’t even begun. 

Theme.  Theme.  Actually I do have one:  In-laws and Out-laws. 

I’m dedicated to maintaining my focus on family history.  The first year I did just random stuff about my various family lines.  Last year I blogged about unusual names from my database of ancestors. 

I have quite a few photos of family friends, so I think it will fun – for ME at least – to study the various people who touched the lives of my ancestors.  Neighbors who came and went; coworkers; friends from church.  Anyone who played a part in shaping the lives of my forebears. 

I foresee some stumbling blocks and will need to be creative, I’m sure.  Q and X are always problematic, and no doubt will be true to form as I launch into “In-laws and Out-laws.”

See you in April!

© 2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. I enjoyed your Christian names theme very much last year Wendy, so look forward to finding out more about your In-laws and Outlaws. Like you, I only found out about this preview day by chance.

    1. I've been trying to plan the names today.

  2. Glad to see those out-laws made the cut! You know I have a soft spot in my heart for out-laws ;)

    1. Yes, you do! I need more outlaws who fit the alphabet. Why do all the good ones start with "C"??

  3. Whew...there for awhile I thought I was going to have to go this year alone. Glad you are in...I'd sure have missed you and your Jollett Family. How exciting...especially the 'Outlaws' you know I'm partial to those as my Family has more than it's share. All righty then....Let's Do This!!!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

    1. I have the first 2 ready. I'm sure you're half way though by now!

  4. Wow...I have been following you for a long time from A-Z...theme reveal? Not even sure...last year I did kids' books and got bored...this year I will just be random again...suits me better. Looking forward to your A-Z ancestor posts again!

    1. It's wonderful! I still have a few people from 2012 that check in regularly and that I follow in return.

  5. I loved your series last year and can't wait for the newest installment. I wish I could dedicate myself to writing a post every day - I have a hard enough time doing one every week. Have fun!
