Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: The Newlyweds

Wordless Wednesday is a daily prompt at Geneabloggers that asks family historians to create a post in which the main focus is a photograph or image.

Not sure of the date, but most of the
photos in the album are from
Ocean View, Virginia

From the scrapbook of my great-aunt Helen Killeen Parker comes this photo which she titled “The Newlyweds.”  I don’t know them.  But that is some hair on that bride!

©2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. I always wanted hair like that!

    1. I bet they didn't have any de-tangle products back then.

  2. Do they look like anyone in our family? Where were the scrapbook police back then?

    1. No one I know. I'm assuming these are all friends of Helen. She has names for some people (Agnes, Lucille, Homer to name a few) but no last names.

  3. My grandmother's hair was ginger and as long as the woman's hair in that picture. My daughter wanted to grow her hair long enough to be able to sit on it but it only ever reached to the base of her spine.

  4. What gorgeous hair! I've always envied women who could had hair that long. I always ended up cutting it once it got past my shoulders because it just was so much work.

    1. Yeah, if I get any length at all it drives me crazy.

  5. Such gorgeous hair! And such a cute couple!

  6. WoW! What a photo! Hr hair is so pretty...I am sure they were an awesome couple.

  7. This cool picture made me wonder what their wedding photo looked like and how the contrast between formal and casual dress would have really been apparent between those two pictures. And then, how would they have looked on their 50th wedding anniversary? I would love to have hair like she does, that is for sure.

    Kathy M.

    1. Wouldn't that be fun to see? Helen didn't list too many names in her scrapbook, so I have no other information about this couple. The scrapbook style of that period must have been to see how clever you could be coming up with silly captions.

  8. She looks beautiful!
