
Monday, August 26, 2019

Another Blogiversary

Last year at this time when I was celebrating 7 years of blogging bliss, I was beating myself up for being such a slacker while vowing to do better. I’m happy to report I AM blogging more regularly. My goal for 2019 has been to blog twice a week following the prompts for Sepia Saturday and for 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. I threw in the A-Z April Challenge at the last minute for the heck of it and completed it as usual.

I confess that Sepia Saturday has been a more difficult challenge than I expected. I used never to miss a week providing a good photo accompanied by a fairly good story. This year, I just don’t know. When I miss, usually it is because I have used the photos previously or told the story previously. Other times I have been vacationing or busy assisting women with researching an ancestor for an application to DAR. As a result of the latter, my own research has fallen to the end of my list of priorities. I must correct that because there is so much more to learn about my various family lines.

For fun, let’s look at the worst and best of Year 8 at Jollett Etc based on the number of page views.

With 43 page views, the best of the worst is a tie between

With 41 page views

With ONLY 40 page views, the worst of the worst is a tie between


Lesson to be learned – Page views go WAY up when Amy Johnson Crow features your blog on her weekly recap.

I wonder what year 9 will bring.

© 2019, Wendy Mathias. All rights reserved.


  1. Happy Blogiversary, Wendy. It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by already. Best wishes for year 9.

    1. Yeah, I was in the middle of August before I realized my blogiversary was around the corner already. Time does indeed FLY!

  2. Happy Bloversary! Great effort it must have taken to compile all the info about best and worst posts! Here's to many more years! I can't believe I've been blogging since 2005! I've taken some breaks, deleted and restarted lots of blogs, but still around :)


    1. I'm trying to recall when I first found your blog. I know it was during A-Z but what year? I really enjoy your "views from benches" because it is so varied.

  3. Way to go! Congrats. I've now raked up 4 different blogs which are almost always active, several times a week. Only one is really from a long time ago.

    1. Go you! I see you often blog for Sepia Saturday through your different blogs depending on the prompt.

  4. Congratulations so happy I caught this! I know I too never used to miss a week, and blogging seems to have slowed down so much. I still enjoy it and do enjoy keeping up with folks. It's just so hard to get it all done sometimes!

    1. I hear ya!! Remember when there would be 20-30 people on Sepia Saturday? I think the large number of participants is what hurt it. People felt like they had to visit EVERYONE. Now the number is really low - like under 10 most weeks. That's fine by me, but I just can't think of anything new for some of the prompts.

  5. Happy blogiversary, Wendy! I always enjoy your posts even if I have seen the picture or heard the story before. You're right about having your blog featured - sure ups the page views. When I write about something that people in/from Fresno might find interesting, I also put it on the Facebook page for the area and again, page views sky rocket. I've been as low as 30 page views and when I post it there, I can be up over 1,000. But then I try to remind myself that I'm doing this for me and future generations and try not to worry about others.

    On to year 9!

    1. Oh wow, I didn't reach that high a number, but you have given me an idea about where I might share my blogs in the future. Not Fresno, a bit closer. HA HA. I don't pay attention to page views either until posts like Year in Review and Blogiversary make me.

  6. Congratulations Wendy! I have enjoyed reading your posts. I’ve been slacking this year, with too many projects on the go. Hopefully I can get back on track soon.
    Looking forward to your next year!

    1. You do a great service with your advice on finding sources.
