
Monday, December 31, 2018

Year In Review

Wow – I thought 2017 was a dry year at Jollett Etc but then 2018 is not any better. In fact, it is probably worse. Why? I don’t know, really. I could blame lack of inspiration. I could blame unsuccessful research that might have led to new stories to tell. I could blame being busy helping other women with their applications to DAR. Excuses. Excuses. No reasonable explanation comes to mind.

Enough of the “mea culpa” – let’s look back at 2018 with the attitude that quality is more important than quantity. Yeah, let’s hold on to that thought. Yeah.

Top 5 Blog Posts
I was pleased to see that two of the top 5 are from my brief participation in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge and two from Sepia Saturday. Numbers 5-8 in the tally were close in the number of page views. While #5 is just OK to me, the close competitors are actually more interesting.
  1. 52 Ancestors: In and Out of the Census
  2. Sepia Saturday: Mathias Homestead
  3. Sepia Saturday: Grave Expressions
  4. Another Scrapbook Moves On
  5. 52 Ancestors: Start with Frazier 
Top 5 Genealogy-Related Activities
  1. I did a lot of work for my DAR chapter this year including preparing and submitting applications for 6 new members, revamping the newsletter, and creating a new website.
  2. Before resigning from the GeneabloggersTribe admin board, I was in charge of the monthly calendar prompts. That required researching daily events and finding copyright-free images.
  3. I reviewed two genealogy mystery books for Nathan Dylan Goodwin and Steve Robinson.
  4. I completed another genealogy book for my family. This time the focus was on my parents BEFORE they became grandparents.
  5. I was proud to donate my grand aunt Velma Davis Woodring’s college scrapbook to James Madison University. I also gave Violetta Davis Ryan’s two diplomas to the Special Collections department of the library.
Top 5 Discoveries
  1. In researching my father’s paternal grandmother Mary Morrison Slade, I found her family was practically in my backyard FOR.EV.ER – not in Tennessee as I had always heard. My research might have uncovered a Revolutionary War patriot too.
  2. I found a marriage record for one of my elusive Irish ancestors, Gertrude Fraundorf. Yeah, she doesn’t sound too Irish, does she? But her mother was Catherine Hederman/Heatherman before marrying. Gertrude married an Italian. A regular international house of pancakes!
  3. In updating routine facts on the Frazier family, I stumbled upon a fascinating murder in the family.
  4. Find-a-grave may have helped identify Mr. and Mrs. Beavers whose photos are among those that Violetta Davis Ryan saved.
  5. I was thrilled to read the service record of my DAR patriot and 4X great-grandfather William Jordan. He served under such notable leaders as Daniel Morgan, Mad Anthony Wayne, Nathanael Greene, and the Marquis de Lafayette.
Top  5 Best Money Spent
  • Ancestry
  • Fold 3
  • Genealogy Bank
  • Newspaper Archive
  • Dues to the Greene County Historical Society and Virginia Historical Society 
I am determined to do better in 2019 because I have missed blogging and I have missed reading my favorite bloggers’ blogs. You need to stay on me. Don’t let me slide.

© 2018-2019, Wendy Mathias. All rights reserved.


  1. Blogging goes up and down I think. May 2019 be the year you decide to blog a bit more than the years past! I think maybe I did about 10 this year? Life sometimes gets in the way of this enjoyable social media.

    Happy New Year!


    1. Yeah, I noticed your absence too. You and I fell into the same boat.

  2. Glad to hear you plan to step up your blogging in 2019 as I have certainly missed reading your blog on a regular basis.

  3. Isn't the end of the year a great time to evaluate what we've done? I've missed seeing and reading your posts, though it looks like you've been busy, even if not blogging. I'll look forward to upcoming posts in 2019, Wendy.

    1. Yes, I was relieved at what I had accomplished EARLY in the year. Last half though . . . .

  4. Seems like you and I fell into somewhat the same 'Less Blog and Ancestor' posting category in there such a category? My posting numbers for 2018(117) were actually up from 2017(115)...LOL!! I won't even go there on 'Stats'...I was an absent commenter on just about all on my Blog Lists. I'd like to say, "I'll do better in 2019", buuuut...we'll see. I have missed READING your, on that I assure you I will do better. I see AtoZ is going for year 10...I'm going to really have to think about that! While I'm here...thanks for your visits to my Facebook Studio #14 page. Come see my at CollectInTexas Gal. Happy New Year!!!

    1. I enjoy seeing your creations. Keep it up!!

  5. Yes, so good to catch your post. Here's to a wonderful new year ahead for all, and more blogging as well!

  6. I've missed your blog but seeing a Facebook post here or there assured me that everything was fine and you were just enjoying life. I hope to see more of you in 2019. Happy New Year!

    1. I saw you rocked 52 Ancestors and am now trying to catch up in reading all your stories. I'm going to try the 52 Ancestors challenge again. Wish me luck!

  7. It didn't seem so daunting when I told myself I didn't have to do it EVERY week.

  8. Well, I am obviously behind as well since I am just reading this post. Glad to see you back!
