
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

52 Ancestors - FUTURE: Jollett Etc Going Forward

Usually at this time of year, I write a “Year in Review” looking back at what I accomplished with this blog. But this time, I will look ahead.

I’m finally ready to say it. Over the past couple of years I have been thinking about ending my blog. Quite frankly, I feel storied out. Once in a while a 52 Ancestors theme will prompt me to check online newspapers for a story related to a distant relative or ancestor, but for the most part, I am not learning anything new. Pushing back a generation of Jolletts will require boots to ground digging.

Having nothing new to say is just one factor in my decision. Another consideration is other obligations. My DAR chapter has kept me busy as Registrar assisting other women with their applications and as the editor/reporter/printer of the chapter newsletter. I truly enjoy both of these “jobs” despite how much time they require. It has not been fun feeling like I “HAVE” to post a blog when I just want to spend time trying to prove someone else’s ancestor was a patriot of the Revolutionary War.

But that’s not all. I am taking on a project for the Greene County Historical Society transcribing some Day Books. They have been given quite a stack from various stores around Stanardsville, Virginia dating from the mid-1800s. Greene County was home to my Jolletts. I’m secretly hoping to find my family as customers at the stores. If I do, you'll be the first to know - right here at Jollett Etc.

Finally, in thinking about the future of my blog, I realize that most of my research is recorded there. As long as Blogger is alive, my blog will live too. But what if Blogger goes the way of Geocities? I decided I must do what other geneabloggers have done – create books from the blog. I have already done several books using stories about the Jolletts, but this time I want to save ALL my blogs by year. That’s 10-years’ worth. In that time, I cranked out 1370 posts and received 17,225 comments. I just started copy-pasting and formatting year one which was only 5 months and 52 blogs long. Whew – it takes longer than I thought since I also need to resize photos and think about formatting the pages.

I signed up for the 52 Ancestors challenge for 2022, but I probably will not even try to do them all. If I have something to say, I’ll post in the 11th year of Jollett Etc. For now, I am just happy that I blogged fairly consistently for 10 years.

I have made wonderful blogging friends, some of whom I feel I know better than people who live nearby. I appreciate my readers and especially those distant new-to-me cousins who reached out with information to share and requests for assistance. Making such connections is what I always hoped to achieve with my blog. So, please, stay in touch. I’m always available by email.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2022!


Amy Johnson Crow continues to challenge genealogy bloggers and non-bloggers alike to think about our ancestors and share a story or photo about them. The challenge is “52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks.


© 2021, Wendy Mathias. All rights reserved.


  1. I often feel the same way Wendy, like I've already told all my stories, and researched as much as surviving records will allow. I like the idea of no longer feeling any obligation to blog...unless something new comes to light. Wishing you the very best 2022.

  2. I understand how you feel! Because I haven't been researching as long as you have been researching, there is still a lot to learn about my family tree AND my husband's family tree. On the other hand, I sometimes find myself "storied out" about certain ancestors or lines. Sending warm wishes for a good year in 2022!

  3. I will miss your blog and when a post pops up in 2022, I will eagerly read it.

  4. A good decision for you, and I'll miss your frequent and well researched blogs! Best wishes for 22!

  5. My husband reminds me that I don't HAVE to post every week and that when I feel like it's an obligation, I should stop. But so far I keep going, although I often skip a week (or two). I love your blog but I can understand where you're coming from. If you ever feel the need to get involved in one more thing, you can always help me (and my patriot) get admitted into DAR.

    1. Oh and one more thing. I'll be anxious to hear (and maybe see) how your blog books turn out.

    2. Debi, I found a patriot for you. You can thank your grandfather Earl Martin for his lineage. Most of you ancestors arrived after the Revolution.

  6. I know how you feel. I sometimes have trouble coming up with a story for the 52 Ancestors, but it does keep me writing. You have to do what works best for you. Good luck in your future endeavors.

  7. Wow, ten years, that is fantastic! It sounds as if you have plenty of genie projects on your plate for 2022! Best wishes, and I look forward to reading any posts you decide to write.

  8. It sounds like you have a heavy load of volunteer service on your plate, Wendy. Good for you to give so generously. But I'll be sorry to miss your posts. I know I rarely comment but I do love to read what you've written. All the best to you going forward into 2022.

  9. Happy New Year, Wendy! You have done an amazing job with this blog which has been a countless resource for me and my amateur ancestry research. From one cousin to another, thanks for keeping our family history alive.

  10. I will really miss your consistent blogging. I always enjoyed your posts!

  11. Happy New Year, Wendy! Just wanted to thank you for all the work you've put in keeping this blog filled with stories and information about our family. It's my first go-to for info on the Jolletts. It has certainly been invaluable to this amateur genealogist! Best of luck to you and I will look forward to any new information you uncover and post.

  12. I bogged down with my blog in 2022 also. My conclusion was that I needed to start transferring stories grouped by family name into short self-published books. I'm not sure if that seemed overwhelming or if the stress of the pandemic, etc. sapped my energy. Anyway, I've not gotten far with that project. Hopefully, 2023 will see some progress for me.
