
Friday, March 26, 2021

Photo Friday - Cutey and Company

During the month of March, I am shining the light on my Irish roots.

Many of my photos of Mary Theresa Sheehan Killeen Walsh’s family in New York City include a family poodle named “Cutey.”

John Jr and Cutey 1918

In 1917, there were two poodles. 

In other photos in this location, infant John Jr.
and Cutey appear together.

On the back is "Selma Mass" - not sure if it means Salem, Massachusetts
or if possibly the woman is Selma Moss, a name that does not appear anywhere 
in my family lineage. The woman features in many photos
with the children John Jr. and his sister known as "Bob."

The dark spot on her blouse looks very much
like a dog's nose.

I thought this photo from 1915 included just the one poodle, but upon closer inspection, I’m pretty sure there were two, one terribly distorted by bad photography.

I do not know if Cutey is the older one or younger one or if they even belonged to the same person. In no other photo were there two poodles. I wonder what became of the other one.

John Jr and "Bob" with Cutey


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