
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Sepia Saturday: White Hats

Sepia Saturday challenges bloggers to share family history through old photographs.

This week’s Sepia Saturday photo prompt is a feast for the eyes and the imagination. However, I can’t help noticing that big white hat. My photos contain some white hats, some lovely, and some not.

Baby Bonnet I have no photos of me wearing this hand-made French bonnet as a baby, but it was mine. I had it cleaned and starched for my sweet baboos to wear. One Easter. That was it.

Jordan 1982

Easter Bonnets
My sister wore this bonnet for Easter 1960. I wonder why Momma didn’t have her in the French bonnet.
Wendy and Mary Jollette Easter 1960
Wendy and Mary Jollette
Easter 1960
I do not know who Aunt Lil’s friend was, but she looks like she could tell your fortune.
Aunt Lillie Killeen and unknown friend

I doubt this hat was ALL-white because Grandma usually coordinated her hats with her Easter suit
Lucille Davis Easter

Wedding Hats  I wore this lace lovely as a bridesmaid in 1970.

My sister wore a wedding hat in her own wedding in 1983.
Mary Jollette and Momma 1983
Mary Jollette and Momma 1983
Tennis Hat  Oh yes, Daddy always had a floppy hat for tennis. He probably went through several just like this one.
Fred Slade and his tennis hat

Coast Guard For Daddy, his Coast Guard uniform might have been a forerunner of that tennis hat!
Fred Slade Coast Guard 1947
Daddy in the Coast Guard
1946 or 1947
Daddy’s daddy wore a white hat too.
Julia and Fred Slade
Graduation  Mortar board
Wendy 1969

Grab your hat and make your way to Sepia Saturday.

© 2019, Wendy Mathias. All rights reserved.


  1. A neat take on the prompt with all the white hats! That French bonnet was something else, but I can imagine it took a lot of work to get it stiffened properly - probably why Mary Jollette wore a different bonnet, and you only used it once for your offspring?

    1. You're probably right. I wonder if there are many cleaners who know how to revive a floppy French bonnet anymore.

  2. I love hats! Wish I could wear them better. Seems like all the ones I try are too big.

    1. I'm not a good hat wearer either. My sister wears a hat like a champ!

  3. Such a diversity of white hats. The big baby bonnet is a beauty! I haven't done Sepia Saturday in ages, may have to rejoin after A2Z.

  4. I love all the bonnets, but I think the first with the little girl is my favorite.

  5. Great collections of hats!!


    1. The more I looked, the more I found. I just had to quit.

  6. Well, I'm having trouble posting to some of the Blogger accounts today. They won't post unless I confirm my Blogger profile, which I don't have. I finally realized here that there is a Sign Out button, which I hit, so I think I can post now as a Google Account. Had the same problem at SS - my comment did not appear. And I don't see an option to receive followup comments. Maybe there has been an update to Blogger. Oh well.

    Now if I can remember my original comment. Something about loving hats, but most don't fit me well - fall down to my ears and make them stick out. I did wear a big brimmed hat for my wedding and it did ok. I really do love the look of hats and wish I had the confidence to wear (properly fitting) them. - Kathy

    Yikes - when I tried to publish as a Google account, it made me sign back in to my email account, then reverted to a Blogger profile.

    1. About a month or ago, I couldn't leave comments when I was on my iPad or phone but had NO problem at the computer. Turns out it was a Safari issue. I simply went into Settings on my phone/iPad and unchecked "Prevent cross-site tracking." I'm not sure what that even means, but it worked.

    2. I have had problems with Safari on my computer, so switched to Firefox for Sepia Saturday commenting. So far, that has worked well.

  7. Sorry about all the posting comments - if anyone else is having trouble, all that was needed was to put my name in the Blogger profile box and it posted my comment. This was a new one for me.

  8. I suspect the official fashion season for white hats begins with Easter and ends? Labor day? Thanksgiving? Does it even matter anymore?

    1. Do we judge hats the same way we do slacks and shoes?

  9. Love the hats. Your sister's wedding hat is wonderful and I like your bridesmaid hat, too. And "hat's off" for including some men's hats. My dad had one similar to your father's tennis hat...only he wore it to play croquet.

    1. I have a photo of men with croquet mallets but no hats.
