
Monday, April 22, 2019

A to Z April Challenge: S is for Step Stool

This is a continuation of LAST APRIL’s challenge about HEIRLOOMS. When my sister and I cleaned out our parents’ home, we had to make many decisions about what to do with all the stuff. Which things are truly “valuable” and which have only sentiment in their favor? Should we sell it, keep it, or throw it away? To help ensure a future for our family’s heirlooms, I plan to leave a booklet for my daughters telling the stories of what they will inherit one day. (Not TOO soon, I hope!)

is for the little step stool that belonged to my grandaunt Helen Killeen Parker.

The saying always amuses me:
This little stool is mine
I use it all the time
To reach the things I couldn’t
And lots of things I shouldn’t

Obviously the humorous poem suggests it was intended for use by a child. In fact, that is how I use it. It is in the guest bathroom so that the grandbaboos can reach the sink when they come to visit.

However, Helen had no children, so I wonder if she purchased it for the nieces and nephews who might have visited her. Poem aside, it would still be a handy device in the kitchen for an adult to reach whatever rests on the top shelf of the cabinet.

© 2019, Wendy Mathias. All rights reserved.


  1. Always nice to find a step when we are too small ;) I have plenty of those in my house, as I'm not very tall, but not with this cute poem, I love it!

  2. Replies
    1. It does have a cute mischievousness about it.

  3. I need one for the current crop of small grands.

    1. I've seen a kind that folds in half - that's what I need in the kitchen so it isn't in the way when I don't need it.

  4. It is a cute little stool! I do like what it says too!


  5. Oh my, stools? We have an abundance of stools mainly because when grandma passed my mother got 2 of hers cuz grandma was only 4'6" tall & needed them mostly in her kitchen & then they'd get carried wherever else she needed them & then my mother being 4'10" tall she had one all over the house. Kitchen, bathroom, basement, laundry room etc. She even had one outside. Now me? I lost count. I have gramma's & my mother's and I use them too being only 5'2" tall. hahahaha and we're getting bigger. Well, it skipped my kids. My girls are as tall as I am, but my grandchildren they're growing tall. Hope you had a nice Easter. Have a great day!

    1. Oh, I thought MY grandmother was short but you have us beat.

      By the way, I've visited your blog, but I am embarrassed to say I can't find where to leave a comment. Give me a hint, please!

  6. Cute! I've seen this poem before on other peoples stools in exactly the places yours resides. Step stools are for long legged people too. I know cause I have seems I can't reach as high as I use to.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

    1. i don't know how people with cabinets that go to the ceiling manage!!

  7. How adorable is that?! Definitely a keeper!
    Stephanie Finnell
    @randallbychance from
    Katy Trail Creations

  8. That is so cute! And I have to laugh at grandbaboos. LOL!
