
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Free Book Offer

Have I mentioned before how much I LOVE the Morton Farrier genealogy crime mysteries by Nathan Dylan Goodwin? Of course, I have - HERE and HERE.

The bad thing about having read ALL of the books in the series is that I have read ALL the books in the series and am impatiently waiting for more.

If you haven’t read any of Nathan’s books, what is stopping you? Right now you can go to Amazon and for a mere 99¢ buy the Kindle version of The Asylum, a short prequel to book #1, Hiding the Past.

Too steep for you? If you visit Nathan’s website, you can get a FREE digital copy. Can’t beat that!

© 2019, Wendy Mathias. All rights reserved.


  1. Read "The Asylum" a few nights ago and enjoyed it, especially considering that one of my husband's ancestors was confined to a notorious London-area asylum and died there. Nathan Dylan Goodwin gives us not only a mystery but also a glimpse into English genealogy methodology! Like you, I'm waiting impatiently for more.

  2. OK, as a lover of murder mysteries, as well as genealogy, I am ripe to start reading these books. I'll start with library digital availability. Thanks for the recommendation.

  3. I am reading the asylum now and finding it interesting. I have a couple others on my kindle to read of his. Thanks for this suggestion to add .
