
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Happy Blogiversary #6

Jollett Etc. is 6. Yes, 6!

So what have I been doing in my sixth year of blogging?

First and foremost, I have been polishing up some old posts for inclusion in my next book about the Jolletts. The first one focused on my 3X great-grandfather Fielding Jollett; the current one is about my 2X great-grandfather James Franklin Jollett, his two wives, and their children. When this book is done, I plan to follow my direct lineage and create a book about my great-grandmother Mary Frances Jollett Davis and her children.

When GeneaBloggers ended, so did my role as one of the interviewers for the “May I Introduce to You” feature. However, the leaders of the new GeneaBloggers Tribe saw some value in what our team did and invited us to be on the administrative team. Our first job was a time-consuming effort to update the old GeneaBloggers blog roll. It felt good to clean up over 3000 links, and it has been thrilling to see new blogs and bloggers being added daily.

The past year has been rather slow for this blog. I could blame life changes, I suppose. But the better reason is that I’ve written the easy stuff already. If I don’t want to merely repeat myself, I need to find more stories about the Jolletts, the Walshes, the Davises, the Sheehans, the Slades, the Ruckers, the Eppards, ETC. I’ve found the easy stuff already. Finding something NEW to write about is hard. Don’t misunderstand. I’m not giving up.

I am encouraged by the number of contacts I have made and new ideas coming out of conversations with my second-cousins that I had lost contact with. Recently my sister and I enjoyed lunch with a cousin and her daughter. What fun it was to hear NEW stories about our shared aunts and to hear an entirely different version of events from the past. The four of us may even have broken through a dark family secret. I hope to be able to write about that one day soon.

My blogiversary wish: that year 7 will be LUCKY in uncovering more stories about my family. (Of course, I can improve my luck by concentrating on that harder research!)

Thanks to all my readers who have joined me in my geneadventure.

© 2017, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Congratulations! Different perspectives on the same family stories should be very interesting. A dark family secret, intriguing.

  2. Dear blogging buddy, Happy Blog Anniversary! I enjoy reading your posts and sharing your discoveries. You put much of yourself into your posts that give them a spark of life. Please, keep on blogging!

  3. Congratulations, Wendy!


  4. Happy Blogiversary! It is hard to believe its been 6 years.
    I'm so glad you have stuck with it, and learned a ton of information about our family. I may not comment every time, but I am always reading and cheering you on! You go sista girl.

  5. Happy Blogiversary Wendy!Six years, wow!! Looking forward to reading about your family secret and seeing where your blog takes you in the future.

    Dianne at

  6. I've missed you and wondered where you'd been hiding. But boy do I understand blogging about the easy stuff and then having to keep on going. Thank goodness for the scrapbooks my pack rat ancestors left for me or I'd be taking a hiatus. Happy blogiversary!

  7. Congratulations on 6 years, Wendy. I hope your wishes for year 7 come true!

  8. Wendy, Congratulations on your sixth blogiversary. :)

  9. Happy Blogiversary! A great achievement with 6 years of blogging! Interesting with that dark secret! I hope to hear more!


  10. Congratulations, Wendy! Looking forward to your next year of blogging and hearing about that family secret.

  11. Well done on 6 great years, Wendy, I'm looking forward to hearing about your discoveries.

  12. Congratulations, Wendy, for writing six years of fascinating blog posts about your family history. You have whetted our appetites for more! Your post here reminded me about my own blog anniversary which we share in this month - so thank you for that.

  13. Happy blogiversary! Keep it up girl---you write a great blog.
