
Friday, March 10, 2017

Sepia Saturday: Kiss Me, I'm Irish

Sepia Saturday challenges bloggers to share family history through old photographs.

What struck a chord with me in this week’s Sepia Saturday photo is the simple act of affection displayed by the woman’s arm draped across the man’s shoulders. Maybe they were listening to some sweet melody on the radio or maybe breaking news that was about to change the world and their lives. Whatever it was, they were in it together.

In March, I like to celebrate my Irish roots. So here are my affectionate Irish family with arms wrapped around each other.

Mary Theresa Walsh and Catherine Barany about 1937
My great grandmother Mary Theresa
Sheehan Killeen Walsh
with her daughter
Catherine Walsh Barany
about 1937

Mae Killeen, Cliff Holland, Helen Killeen about 1920
Mae Killeen Holland and husband Cliff, with Helen Killeen
 (two of my great-grandmother's daughters from her first marriage to John Joseph Killeen)
Steve Barany and Catherine Walsh Barany and Jimmy Crews and Tate Walsh Crews about 1936
two of Mary Theresa's daughters by her second husband John Walsh
Steve and Catherine Walsh Barany
and Jimmy and Tate Walsh Crews
in the Barany home about 1936
Nice stockings, Cat!

Unknown with John Jr and Bob in Richmond Hill 1920
Poor man -  got his head chopped off.
I bet he is the grandfather of these mystery children
John Jr. and his sister "Bob"
Photo was labeled Richmond Hill 1920

Julia Walsh and Fred Slade 1940
My paternal grandparents
Julia Walsh and Fred Slade about 1940
Even when they were older, Granny and Granddaddy sat just like that.

Julia Walsh and Fred Slade late 1970s
My Granny and Granddaddy Julia and Fred

I love these pictures of Granny with her sisters. The Killeen and Walsh sisters remained close throughout their lives.
Catherine Walsh and Julia Walsh about 1919
Catherine Walsh (later Barany)
and my granny Julia Walsh (later Slade)
Julia Walsh and Tate Walsh mid 1920s
My granny Julia Walsh with her sister
Tate Walsh probably mid 1920s

“I-rish” you would visit my friends at Sepia Saturday. Give them all a hug for me!

© 2017, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Erin Go Bragh! Lovely photos and timely too.

  2. Wonderful photographs of loving family members. Growing up, though we all loved each other very much, I don't remember a lot of arms around each other - though we did hug a lot. But in my own family, my son and daughters especially pose for photos with arms around each other all the time. :)

  3. I was struck by your original "take" on this week's prompt. The body language of the couple had never occurred to me, and you showed us in your photographs smiling, affectionate family and friends.

  4. Like Sue, I love your take on the prompt photo. I always enjoy reading how the same photo inspires such different posts.

  5. I liked your take on the prompt too. I think the prompt couple were listening to news about a hurricane that was about to hit or was occurring. The location of Florida and the kerosene lamp made me think that.

    1. I downloaded the prompt photo when it was first posted but didn't read the description until after I posted. Oops!

  6. Lovely take on the prompt and what an affectionate family yours is; they deserve to be celebrated.

  7. A perfect spin on the theme. Some families are huggers all right. I had the same thought as Kristin that the couple were listening to the weather report.

  8. Indeed a perfect and charming take on the prompt image, with some lovely family photographs to match. Happy St Patrick's Day!

  9. I love how Julia and Fred are sitting EXACTLY the same way!

  10. Yes, time to think of the Irish blood that continues to flow through our veins...and enjoy remembering he love shared.
