
Monday, March 20, 2017

Mystery Monday: Mystery Photo Still a Mystery

Mystery Monday is a daily prompt at Geneabloggers that asks us to share mystery ancestors or mystery records – anything in our family history research which is currently unsolved.  With any luck fellow genealogy bloggers will lend their eyes to what has been found so far and possibly help solve the mystery.

During the month of March I like to devote extra research time to my Irish aunties in New York. Unlike the photos posted the past two weeks, this one leaves me scratching my head.

Relatives of Mary Theresa Sheehan Killeen Walsh 1910-1920

I have NO clue whatsoever.

Two women. Three young girls. And a baby whose gender is not determined.

Possible sister of Mary Theresa Sheehan Killeen Walsh taken 1920 Richmond Hill, New York
"Bob" and John Jr. 1920 in Richmond Hill
In the photos taken by my great-grandmother Mary Theresa Sheehan Killeen Walsh during her trips to New York, most of the women had very dark hair. These two have light hair, much like the woman flanked by the children I’ve come to know as “Bob” and John Jr. in this 1920 photo.

The woman on the right in the previous photo appears younger than the woman in the 1920 photo. Could they be the same person? What year do you suppose this photo was taken? My guess is between 1910 and 1920.

Mary Theresa herself was the only one of the family who had a number of daughters – 7 to be exact. The three girls do not look like any of them, but the poor quality of the photo makes it impossible to say for sure. I am fairly certain the girls are not daughters of the other sisters. Perhaps they were cousins, not sisters.

© 2017, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. I hate, hate, hate photos with unknown people in them. Obviously they were someone important in someone's life but we just don't know whose. Every time I "meet" a new cousin I send copies of some of the photos to see if anyone looks familiar. Sadly, I haven't hit pay dirt yet but I'm not giving up.

    1. I have NO ONE to send these pictures to. It seems that side of the family disappeared off the face of the earth except for the granddaughter of one of Mary Theresa's sisters. And she knows nothing about anybody. She doesn't even recognize names that I send her. Sheesh.

  2. The girl on the left looks a bit forlorn, don't you think??


    1. Yes she does. I wonder if she was bored or sad.

  3. Wish I could supply you with names. Good luck.

    1. I wish that too. You're making great headway with your Irish family, and I'm spinning wheels.

  4. We all wish we could have another day with our departed loved ones. If I could, nobody would be allowed to leave until all the photos were labeled! It's just so frustrating.
