
Monday, November 14, 2016

Genealogy Photo a Day 13: Document

Genealogy Photo a Day is a month-long challenge coordinated by Genealogy Girl Talks.

I love stumbling into a document I wasn’t even looking for. 

Marriage Bond Nancy Jollett and Hiram Garnes

This marriage bond for Nancy Jollett and Hiram Garnes surfaced during a research trip to the Rockingham County, Virginia court house. My goal that day was to find Davis documents that would satisfy the DAR standards for proving lineage to a Revolutionary War patriot. But heck, I was there anyway, so why not check the index for Jolletts too.

And there it was: a marriage bond for Nancy Jollett. Who? The two Nancy Jolletts I knew of were Jollett by virtue of marriage. Nancy Walker married my 4X great-grandfather James Jollett and Nancy Glass married their son Simeon Jollett. So who was this young Nancy Jollett getting married in Rockingham?

One clue was the bondsman George Sampson. George was married to Drada Jollett, daughter of James and Nancy Walker Jollett. Perhaps Nancy was a sister to Drada. If so, then there is another question to answer: why was she not living in Greene County with her parents?

Look for me on Instagram (@Wendymath27) and Twitter (@Wendymath).
© 2016, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Congrats! Genealogy serendipity. My hubby's line has Rockingham ancestors, namely the McClure line. John McClure (son of Alexander McClure) married Ann McFall in Rockingham in 1801. Any possible connections?!

    1. Nope, alphabetically the best I can do is McClung. But I'm going to look for your McClure and McFall to see if they were my ancestors' neighbors. The McFall name is strange to me -- I have heard of McFail in R'ham. Maybe the same name?

  2. Congrats Wendy! Fun to find another clue in your family history!

  3. While I love finding new clues, it sure can be frustrating! Always more questions......

  4. Wendy, I am always so impressed at your ability to keep up with a 30-day challenge to publish a photo or post every day.

    It's fun to find new documents like these. Even though you may not know exactly how the person fits with your family or the families you've researched, at least it provided hints.

    My experience has been that every new find (document, census, etc.) presents more questions that it answers.

  5. Another reason that the hunt is so thrilling; repositories are full of documents we aren't even looking for. Great find.
