
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Genealogy Photo a Day 10: Time

Genealogy Photo a Day is a month-long challenge coordinated by Genealogy Girl Talks.

When our parents passed away and my sister and I cleaned out their house, we divided the family heirlooms as fairly as we could. There were four clocks that had been in the family for many years, how many we do not know. She got two and I got two.

Not a one of them works.

Techtron Clock belonging to Orvin and Lucille Davis

My sister took our maternal grandfather’s Techtron clock with its nautical design featuring a ship’s wheel and drawing of an anchor. The Techtron is notorious for being difficult to repair. 

Adamantine mantle clock from Sudie Eppard Rucker

At least she has the beautiful Seth Thomas Adamantine mantle clock from our great-grandmother Sudie Eppard Rucker. If we could get the thing to work consistently, the hourly chime would be delightful.

As for me, I took these.

Heirloom clocks

The Ansonia porcelain clock that belonged to our grandaunt Velma Davis Woodring is lovely and complements my living room décor perfectly. The Seth Thomas mantle clock belonging to our grandaunt Helen Killeen Parker is hiding out in a bedroom, not ticking at all, forever 6:40. As the old joke goes, at least it is correct twice a day.

All these clocks need repair. We just can’t find the time. (Har Har – yeah, I kill me!)

Look for me on Instagram (@Wendymath27) and Twitter (@Wendymath).

© 2016, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Beautiful clocks. Even if you get them working you might regret it if their 'ticks' and chimes are loud!

  2. Neat looking clocks :) Maybe they aren't meant to be repaired and just enjoyed in their beauty silently.


  3. Beautiful clocks! My grandparents had a cuckoo clock that I remember hearing constantly when we were visiting - I have no idea what happened to that clock but like others have said, it might be best that someone else is listening to the noise.
