
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tombstone Tuesday: James Ira and Mattie Bell Sullivan

Tombstone Tuesday is a daily prompt at Geneabloggers that asks bloggers to include an image of a gravestone of one or more ancestors along with a brief description of the image or the ancestor.

Tombstone James Ira Sullivan and Mattie Bell Claytor
Tombstone of James Ira and Mattie Bell Sullivan
photo courtesy Marlin Diehl,

James I.              Mattie C.
June 17, 1886       Sept 13, 1888
Dec 12, 1963       Sept 5, 1964

James Ira Sullivan and his wife Mattie Bell Claytor are buried together in the Edgewood Cemetery in Weyers Cave, Virginia. Many of their children are there as well.

© 2016, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Wendy, it is helpful when you find a family all in one spot.

  2. I must admit, I have spent many an hour looking at tombstones - wondering why a life had been cut short or what a person had done with their 98 years of life. It is fascinating. My husband's family have a family burial plot. Thank you for the post, Wendy.

  3. my father and mother are laying far from each other and it hurts my soul in deep
