
Monday, August 1, 2016

James Franklin Jollett's Kids: Victoria Breeden

As part of my “Genealogy Do-Over” efforts AND to force myself to get crackin’ on my James Franklin Jollett book, Jollett Reunion, I will be researching and writing brief biographies of James Franklin, his wives, and his children.

Victoria Elizabeth Jollett Breeden
Victoria Jollett
Daughter #6 and child #7 of James Franklin Jollett and Lucy Ann Shiflett was Victoria Elizabeth, lovingly known throughout her life as simply “Vic.” She was born on the family farm in the Monroe District of Greene County, Virginia on the 19th of March 1878. Like the other Jollett children, she attended school and learned to read and write.

Victoria Jollett and Decatur Breeden
Vic and Decatur
(while this does not look like Decatur in other
pictures, the general face shape, ears, eyes,
and that bow tie argue that it is
At age 23, Vic married her cousin’s son, Decatur Bainbridge Breeden. Decatur was the grandson of James Franklin’s sister Lydia Jollett Breeden. His brother John Wesley Breeden married Vic’s niece Minnie Sullivan, daughter of Vic’s sister Laura. To put it another way, Vic married her first cousin once removed, and her niece was also her sister-in-law.

In the early years of their marriage, Vic and Decatur lived on Second Street in Shenandoah, next door to Wes and Minnie Breeden and near her brother Ulysses Jollett and his wife Sadie. Decatur was a salesman for a department store.

Victoria Jollett Breeden
Vic before 1944
By 1920, however, Decatur had become a conductor with the steam railroad, and he and Vic had purchased a home in a new part of town simply referred to as “North of Central.” They cared for his aging aunt Mary Breeden.

After 1935, the Breedens moved to Washington D.C. like so many of the family. There Decatur worked as an engineer in the shipyard.

Even though both Victoria and Decatur came from large families, they had only one child. However, sadly little Aleta Mae died in infancy.

Victoria Elizabeth JOLLETT (19 Mar 1878 Greene Co, VA – 2 May 1944 Washington D.C.) and Decatur Bainbridge BREEDEN (15 Sep 1877 Rockingham Co, VA – 27 Sep 1952 Washington D.C.) married 26 Dec 1901 Page Co, VA
  1. Aleta Mae BREEDEN (24 Aug 1903 Shenandoah, VA – 20 Mar 1904 Shenandoah, VA)

© 2016, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved


  1. That was sad about their one child dying so young. I liked the picture of Vic, she looked stately in it.


  2. What a shame their only child didn't make it.

  3. So sad that their child died young - makes you wonder what happened and why they never had anymore. I love the top photo of Vic!

  4. I love seeing pictures of people at different ages.

    I had to smile at Vic's shoes in her older picture because my Grandma Hostetter always wore shoes just like those. She didn't like them, but she had feet problems and had to wear that style.
