
Friday, March 25, 2016

Sepia Saturday: Socks Appeal

Sepia Saturday challenges bloggers to share family history through old photographs.

This week’s Sepia Saturday prompt shows a crowd of boys hovering around a game of marbles. A good game of marbles can get rather heated. And so can those socks.

The socks worn by the boys in the photo were surely heavier and hotter than what the boys in my photos wore. There is nothing particularly interesting about the socks, but the photos themselves are rather good.

John C. Holland about 1919 Portsmouth, VA
John Clifton Holland
son of my grandaunt Mae Killeen Holland
Unknown from collection of Helen Killeen Parker
Unknown child but photo was among those
belonging to my grandaunt Helen Killeen Parker

Possibly John and Matthew Glynn
If this picture dates to the 1890s, then I would guess
the boys are John and Matthew Glynn,
cousins of my grandaunts Helen and Mae

Sisters Julia and Catherine Walsh 1920
My granny Julia and her sister Catherine
When I look at this photo of my granny at age 12 with her white socks pulled up, I see myself at about the same age. I think I have her legs.

Wendy Slade about 12
Me about age 12

Granny was a sock wearer even into her granny years.

Granny Julia Walsh Slade 1952
My granny 1952 - she laughed about this pose
In the 1940s when my mother was in high school, the rolled bobby socks was the look to sport.

Cradock High School friends 1946
Joanne Palmer, Mary E. Davis (my mother),
Betsy Ward, Unknown, Cookie Spencer
The girls achieved that fullness with an extra sock in the roll. My mother and her friends teased Joanne Palmer (on the left) for wearing her boyfriend’s dark socks. I never learned why she did that.

Grab your lucky socks and knuckle down at Sepia Saturday.

© 2016, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. I do agree; I think you do have your grandmother's legs! Can you imagine boys wearing clothes like this these days? I happen to like the look, especially the socks!


  2. Lucky you to inherit those legs...I got telegraph poles - absolutely no shape or definition. You have reminded me that I must get back to knitting socks for my godfather.

  3. Some great old portraits - I especially like the adorable photo of the unknown boy with the old tricycle - now to figure out who he might be!

  4. Great images - not only did they bring the memory of my school socks flooding back, but the prickly woolly feel of them and the way they would fall down my short-trousered legs.

  5. I have to say I have never really noticed socks in my ancestor photos. Again, you have some unbelievably fantastic photos, Wendy!

  6. Lovely to have so many old photographs of your mother and her cousins. Do you mean the girls wore two pairs of socks just for the roll effect? Their socks only just made it into the picture :-)

  7. I love your sock post. Wonderful old photography. I loved the time of Rock'n Roll. Bobby socks and circular skirts, the best look ever.

  8. When I saw the picture of you around the age of 12 in your white socks & (Mary Janes?), it brought back a memory of me at the same age posing in my new Easter dress & wearing socks with black patent sandals. :)

  9. Great socks! I'm impressed with your many generations of socked feet. I doubt I could find even one ancestor's photo showing socks, saggy or otherwise.

  10. Well I eat my words - I told Gail I thought she'd be the only one with socks as a theme! Wonderful photos and oh, that granny-pose!

  11. I still have socks, though I never wear them. Strangely as my mother got older she stopped wearing socks. I'd tell her she should put them on to keep warm, but she never did. Now I am following in her sock steps and abhor wearing them. I'd never thought socks were genetic. Do you still wear them like your grandmother?

  12. Now my mission will be to look at the socks in all of my photos. Great post!

  13. So funny and something I've never paid any attention to, but I surely will be checking out the socks in my old pictures now!
