
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Big 0-4

I was hoping to have something profound to say after 4 years and 745 posts. Nope.

Many bloggers celebrate by sharing their past year’s statistics – blog with most page views, where readers are from, what sites referred readers to the blog, etc. Mine are not that impressive or interesting. In fact, I rarely think to check them.

This is not a “woe is me” post. In fact, several good things have happened at Jollett Etc. that can’t be measured with Blogger statistics. First of all, I completed the A to Z April Challenge once again – 4 years in a row. My “Men of the Eastwind” series caught the attention of the Custom House Maritime Museum in Newburyport, Massachusetts. My sister and I decided to donate our father’s Coast Guard scrapbook from 1947 to their collectionsMore importantly, I finished my Jollett book and printed enough copies for family and for a few historical societies. That has been a goal since I began blogging. Goal accomplished!

Admittedly, working on the book took time away from new research. Looking back over the year, I see something that resembles a rut. Almost every week I posted the same 3 blogs: Wordless Wednesday, Sepia Saturday, and 52 Ancestors.

Quite honestly, I’m satisfied with that rut for now. Having recently purged my Feedly list of blogs that are no more, I’m shocked that so many bloggers have quit. In searching the blog roll on GeneaBloggers, I am likewise surprised at the number of dead links and blogs that have not been updated in years. So my little rut is a sign that at least I’m still here.

It seems that in Blog years, 4 is middle age, if not down-right old.

© 2015, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. I like the rut and I like your blog! You have made a mark for our generations to come!

    So proud of you sista girl!

  2. Yours is my favourite "Family History" blog. You write well, have accompanying photos, keep posts just the right length, and often add a touch of humour. Congratulations on your 4th anniversary!

  3. Wendy, Congratulations on your 4th blogiversary. I enjoy reading your posts.

  4. I think we're not only about the same physical age but also blog age. Congratulations on another successful year of blogging!

  5. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! Good too that you can see some of the benefits of doing so too :)


  6. Ruts can also be called habits which mean something when you write.

    Four years, great work! I have many broken links to blogs I have followed. You do feel some sadness when a familiar blog ends.

  7. Thank goodness you're not ending your blogging time, you had me worried! I know I've drifted off of many of my long time blogs like Sepia Saturday,but I'm trying to check back in weekly, between weekend getaways and mini vacations and just plain life, blogging often gets the back seat for shorter, quicker or rather the easy way out. But the bottom line is I enjoy keeping up with my blogger pals, some even on Facebook, it's like a friendship that's top of the line for me. I also am thrilled to put posts together and share photos relating that post, and of course the research that goes into a post. Like the banks the other day, at first I thought oh goodness who really wants to read about banking right, but then once I started digging into some oldies, it was like pay dirt, and as often times before, I learned new things too. So yep, I'm a lifer (for now anyway) at keeping up with blogging as much as possible! Congratulations on your 4 years too!

  8. Congrats on a very successful 4th year! I always enjoy your blog posts. You can go middle-age crazy with it now! Cheers!!

  9. Congratulations on 4 years, Wendy. And special congratulations on 4 years of the A to Z Challenge (which in itself seems like a major accomplishment) and for finishing your beautiful book. I read a recommendation the other day that posting regularly is good for your readers because they know when to expect posts. So maybe it's not a rut, maybe it's just regularity.

    Here's to many more years of blogging!

  10. Happy 4th Blogiversary Wendy! I'm right behind you in the "old in blog years" category, as my 4th blogiversary is next April. Does this mean we get special senior blog discounts now? Congrats and keep on blogging, blogging buddy! :)

  11. Wendy, happy Blog Anniversary! You bring a great energy to your posts that are always fun to read. Very glad we were able to meet at the NGS conference. I'm sure we will do that again. Go celebrate your blog!

  12. Congratulations, is it really four years? Your posts are always so entertaining and well written and you have the bonus of having an interesting family and a large one. A rut is a path with a beginning and and an end to somewhere and often times the way back as well. I loved your idea of the book you made and have kept the information you supplied to look into it when I have that ever elusive 'more time.' So many thanks for that.

  13. Happy 4th bloganniversary, Wendy, and I echo all the other compliments made on your interesting posts and the many fascinating characters in your family history stories.

    I had forgotten that last week marked my 5th blogging birthday and I share so many of your feelings. Is there a life expectancy for a blog? I too have noticed the number of bloggers on my Reading List no longer posting. I feel I am in rather a rut and wondering where am I heading with "Family History Fun", as I seem to be repeating/adapting material from previous posts. But I am still here, ,planning for the 2016 A-Z Challenge, and thank you for providing me this week with a prompt for a post on my own blogging journey.

  14. Hope you're blogging for years to come, Wendy. I always enjoy your posts.Successfully, blogging three times a week is not 'stuck in a rut' - it's an accomplishment.

  15. You've absolutely have some big accomplishments this year and well worth the mention! Keep it up!

  16. Happy 4th! I must have jumped on right near the start. I didn't realize that until now. May this 5th year be as wonderful and sleuth-ful as ever.
    Thanks for your genealogy help and inspiration :)
