
Monday, April 20, 2015

A to Z April Challenge: Q is for Queue of Quants

“We need to get together more often and not at a funeral.” How many times have you and a cousin said that? Funerals are much like a family reunion. You can learn a lot about a family just by looking at who showed up. Using my grandparents’ guest books and sympathy cards, I’ll be exploring “Who came to the funeral?

is for Queue of Quants. Since no one who attended my grandparents’ funerals had names beginning with Q, I grabbed this opportunity to showcase the lovely cards sent by my mother’s coworkers:  Quants. In other words – TEACHERS.

Can you spot which ones were sent in 1963 and which ones in 1990?

Don’t quit now.  Are you in a quandary?  If you’re quick, you’ll enjoy some quirky and quotable quips at the A to Z April Challenge.

© 2015, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Great use of Q :) Thanks for visiting us today.

  2. Very creative for the Letter Q...I did not know the other word for Teachers was Quants. I had a few teachers that were quite quaint...LOL!!! Okay, I'll quit before I get quashed. I'm off to quaff my perked Folgers.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

  3. aww beautiful cards! Ms. See and Mary Donovan! Such sweet ladies.

  4. First row of cards, going left to right: 1963; 1990, 1963
    Second row of cards going left ro right: 1990, 1963, 1963
    Third row of ards, going right to left: 1963, 1963, 1963

    I probably failed this quiz :)

    Hadn't heard of quants referred to as also teachers. Interesting!


    1. You got the last row right anyway. First two rows are both 90, 90, 63.

  5. Great use of the "Q". I'll be doing something similar for the letter X in my "What I Remember" post :-)

  6. Terrific post! I think there are four from 1963, but it's not the kind of card I buy very often...
    Love the word "Quants", very clever!

  7. Lovely cards and a very inventive post for Q.

  8. I would say the top right and the bottom row are the ones from 1963. ( and maybe the right one on the middle row)

    1. I think you scored 100. First two rows are both 1990, 1990, 1963; last row is all 1963.

  9. Lovely cards, especially the older cards.

    1. Most of the old ones are on that crinkly vellum paper. So nice. They don't make 'em like that anymore.
