
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Men of the Eastwind #5

Wordless Wednesday is a daily prompt at Geneabloggers that asks family historians to create a post in which the main focus is a photograph or image.

Unknown sailor on USCGC Eastwind 1946 or 47

When my dad was stationed aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Eastwind in 1946-47, he took pictures of his shipmates during tours to Thule, Greenland but didn’t provide names.  Maybe the family of these sailors will find my blog and share their story.

© 2015, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. That's a great one with the background, uniform, and fun pose.

  2. Gosh, He looks like he is 16 years old. Cool pic!

  3. He always looks so happy and content! Another great capture, what a background too.

  4. I agree! This is a fabulous photo!

    1. I might have a lead on this guy. I googled eastwind coast guard signalman - and out spit:

      Henry H Rogers Jr "Hank" has what might be an obituary for him "Hank Rogers" down near the bottom.

      Interesting thing is - and while I don't know if this is "him" - or if he is related to Henry Huddleson Rogers - of Fairhaven, CT fame (he was a neighbor of Mark Twain) and they used his home as a Coast Guard training facility during WWII. This man was very rich - being involved with Standard Oil (and Rockefeller). If the man in the photo is a grandson - one can see why he might have been popular.

  5. Every time I see one of these pictures from the ship, I find myself just hoping a family member finds it. This one is really a fun one.

    1. There are several good photos with this guy, so he and Daddy must have been pals. Or this guy was just very popular.

  6. Too bad the Eastwind doesn't have a Facebook page. When I tried finding the men who were in some WWII military photographs with my father in law, I had a better response from posting on relevant Facebook pages than associated website pages. Hmmmm...maybe we should all tweet about this pic with the hashtag #Eastwind???

    1. Actually there is a group - Closed. I could request to join, but the photos of members are too young to have been in service in 1947. There is an annual reunion, yet again those who attend served in the 1960s. I like the hashtag though -- I've been using #CoastGuard, so I will be adding your suggestion.

  7. Even if the group is closed you might just find a connection. I love this photo!
