
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Watch This Space

Last week Alex Daw of Family Tree Frog invited bloggers to join her in a blog-tweaking weekend.  Perfect Timing!  My blogiversary is around the corner and it’s time to give this tired blog a facelift and maybe a tummy tuck.   

Participants are to visit one another and praise what’s praise-worthy and make suggestions for improvements.  I’ve already gotten some great feedback.  Even if you’re not a participant in this effort, I’m interested in what you think about my blog as it is.

So go ahead.  Take your best shot.  


  1. Hello Wendy! I'm participating in Pimping your Blog weekend! I love your site. So many interesting family histories you have done. Go ahead and put your About ME! up top if you'd like. So they can see you right out the Gate! I'm gonna follow you. Your research is so interesting! It's hard for me to get past that. I look forward to your MAKEOVER! I will be back!

    1. I'll be introducing my "new look" next week on my blogiversary. One change will be to move that "About Me" UP. Thanks for the idea.

  2. I have always enjoyed reading your blog. I think the idea of this challenge was to reduce clutter but I would like to add a "Search" widget to your blog. I love the search widget on blogs (including my own). That way I can find my prior posts easily and can also go back to other posts and locate information quickly.

    1. The Search box is really a good idea and is probably the answer to that LABELS cloud that someone pointed out is just way too long. I've been using the list of labels for my own search through my own blog.

  3. hi Wendy, I really like the look of your blog. Like True I'd suggest you move you profile up near/at the top, (and if possible abbreviate it a little) because your readers can then quickly see who you are. Ditto your email contact below "follow me by email"?. I'd be inclined to move the award free blog image down a way, perhaps below Geneabloggers? I like your tabs which are nice and clean as well as "front & centre" for potential rellies. Hope these comments help a little as you've got a great package. Good to see how much indexing you're doing - shows people these things don't happen like magic.

    1. Thanks Pauleen. I'm now realizing what little thought I've given to the sidebar. Changes are coming! (next week -- blogiversary)

  4. Wendy,
    Congratulations on retirement. Isnt it wonderful having time to spend on stuff you really care about – like genealogy!
    I like the calm colors and clean layout of your blog.
    One suggestion is on your family tabs that are under construction, post something even if it’s just a picture of someone in that line, or a photo or map of the place where they are from. Our blogs are always under construction so that’s a given.
    And thanks for your work in indexing. I haven’t started doing that yet but really appreciate the hard work of people like you that helps us all.

    1. Oh gosh, I'm embarrassed that those family charts have been "under construction" for so long. I took some down to update them and never put them back. But yes, a picture is a good idea in the meantime.

  5. Wendy - I find your blog very easy on the eye. My eyesight is not good, so I appreciate the clear colours, good size of font and lack of clutter. I like Sharon's idea of a search widget - and this is something I should look at too. I have always been impressed with the scale of your postings - in particular keeping up with the 52 Ancestors Challenge + Sepia Saturday + A-Z Challenge + single postings - an awesome record! You must be a good quick typist too.

    1. HA - actually I do like to type.

      Thanks for the kind words. I like Sharon's suggestion too.
