
Monday, May 5, 2014

Motivation Monday: Off With the PJs!

Motivation Monday is a daily prompt at Geneabloggers that asks bloggers to give tips on getting motivated to tackle genealogy-related goals.

Several months ago when every other blog and Tweet was about RootsTech, I sensed I was missing out. So much excitement over new technology to help professional genealogists and hobbyists alike;  so many lively discussions about the laws and ethics impacting what we do; so much enthusiasm over sessions led by the most respected people in the genealogy world.  I felt like the girl all alone at home in her PJs on Friday night. 

But this coming weekend I have a date!  Not to see a movie or go rollerblading or attend a concert.  It’s to attend my first genealogy conference, and it’s a major one:  the National Genealogical Society Conference in Richmond, only 90 minutes away from where I live.

The Serious Stuff:  My plans
8:00  The Virginia Militia
9:30  Disputes and Unhappy Differences: Surprises in Land Records
11:00 Of Sound Mind and Healthy Body:  Using Probate Records in Your Research
2:30  The Seanachie:  Linking Life and the Law Through Storytelling
4:00  Black Sheep Ancestors and Their Records

8:00  Your Computer:  Back It Up or Lose It
9:30  Treasure Trove of Rarely Used Resources
11:00 Organizing Your Research Without Losing Your Mind
2:30  17th Century Virginia Ancestors
4:00  We All Descend From Immigrants: Discovering Old World Origins With US Records

But what I’m most giddy about: 
1.  POSSIBLY meeting Judy Russell, the Legal Genealogist, and having a picture taken with her.  (I wonder if she’ll remember she answered a question for me on her blog.  Oh, but I hope she’ll forget the time she responded to my silly joke slamming lawyers.)
2.  Meeting Colleen Pasquale of Leaves & Branches and Cheri Hudson Passey of Carolina Girl Genealogy.  We have a few classes together and we’ll probably do lunch and walk around the Exhibit Hall together.  And selfies.  We’ll do selfies!

Am I ready?
1.  I’ve downloaded the APP to my phone giving me easy access to maps and schedules and even the syllabi.
2.  I purchased address labels with my phone number and blog URL to make filling out raffle tickets easy AND to give out to anyone who might want to keep in touch.  (Gosh, I hope I have enough.  Har Har)
3.  I have a hair appointment assuring my “natural color” will be at its best – wink wink.

Looking forward to our date in Richmond!

© 2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Looks like a very happening event. Hope You had fun hearing to Genealogy !
    post the selfies :)

    good luck

  2. A very happy First Conference to you! I know you'll have an amazing time. Love the label idea.

  3. I am so excited for you! I want lots of details when you return, so take notes. Oh, who am I kidding, of course you will take notes!

  4. Enjoy the conference and I am sure it will provide you with much stimulating thought for future blog pots. I look forward to reading them.

  5. Sounds like fun and educational to boot. Have a great time and be sure to post selfies!

  6. I hope you have a wonderful time Wendy!

  7. Wow! A real Genealogy Seminar/Conference/Meet the Big Wigs and all that! I'm very envious and excited for you all at the same time. I can hardly wait for your Selfies....Yes, do lots of Selfies. I hope it's not too late for my 'losing my mind'...take good notes on that one. Have a great time.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  8. So jealous! Wendy, I know you'll have a fabulous time. You will love hearing Judy Russell. If you do a selfie with her, you've got to post it here--after attending to all the requisite fine print, of course ;)

    If you run into any Virginian Davises or Taliaferros, be sure and tell them hi for me!

  9. You are going to have so much fun! Your brain will be so full by the time you leave! That's always how I feel when I leave conferences :)

  10. Wendy, you sound positively giddy with excitement. And you should be! I hope you have a wonderful time.
