
Friday, May 9, 2014

Bow Ties and Chickens: Friday at NGS

On Friday at my first genealogy conference, I attended 5 sessions and visited almost every vendor I wanted to see during the lunch break.  Got the Blogger Beads.  Got the lanyard of credentials including a special ribbon for first time attendees.  It was a good day.

What I learned today:
  • It’s best to be early.  I got an aisle seat every time – I’d rather have people crawl over me than for me to crawl over them.
  • If a presenter is wearing a bow tie, the presentation is going to be a lot of fun.  Craig Scott is THE man for all things Militia.  I didn’t even know I was interested in the Militia, but I sure am now.
  • I shouldn’t skim over parts of land records.  There are lots of clues to family history once you understand how to read them.
  • There are more parts to a probate record than I realized.  Now I need to get back to the Library of Virginia and see if I can find the rest.
  • Judy Russell sees Chickens.  (Jacqi Stevens would call them “Ooh Shiny.”)  But Judy embraces the Chicken because therein lies our family’s story.

I met 1 of my goals:  I connected with Colleen Pasquale of Leaves and Branches and Cheri Hudson Passey of Carolina Girl Genealogy

Colleen of Leaves & Branches
Moi of Jollett Etc
Colleen and I planned some time ago to look for one another and save a seat at the Militia program.  I recognized her immediately FROM THE BACK.  It’s her hair.

I didn’t realize Cheri and I had a session together but I spied her.  I’m not usually brave, but I made myself be brave and introduced myself.  We ended up sitting together for that hour.    
Cheri of Carolina Girl Genealogy
Moi still of Jollett Etc.

I must have reached my bravery quota for the day.  I just couldn’t get up the nerve to ask Judy Russell to join me in a Selfie, so Goal #2 FAIL.  I have one more shot tomorrow.

Can I just say right now I LOVE JUDY RUSSELL.  What a Geek!  What a Comedienne!  What a dynamic speaker!  What an inspiration!


  1. Yay you Wendy! So glad you're having fun!

  2. I am SO HAPPY that you made the trip and you are enjoying everything. I know you will find the how we connect to the first Jollett's of Virginia, and get that Slade/Calhoun story straight!

  3. You are too funny, Wendy. Judy will probably seek you out tomorrow for that photo together! Congratulations on your bravery. I am in awe (and could never be so brave myself!). I'm glad you're having fun.

  4. So glad you are having a great time! I look forward to hearing all of your adventures.

  5. Sounds like a great time - hope you got the selfie!
