
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: A Wedding at Home

Wedding Wednesday is a daily prompt at Geneabloggers that asks family historians to create a post in which the main focus is wedding photos, announcements, and invitations.

Wedding Book Velma Davis Woodring 1927

This pretty little keepsake is the cover of a wedding book most likely presented by a minister as a gift to the bride and groom.  In this instance, the bride was my grandaunt Velma Davis who married Arthur “Woody” Woodring on January 15, 1927. 

The minister, Arthur Maiden, was a cousin by marriage, married to Velma’s cousin Minnie Coleman Maiden. 

The wedding was held in the parlor of Velma’s home in Shenandoah, Virginia.

Wedding of Woody and Velma Davis Woodring 1927
Woody and Velma
January 15, 1927

Wedding gifts were on display in the dining room.

Wedding gifts of Velma Davis Woodring 1927
Wedding Gifts

The guest book was simply loose half-sheets of paper folded to create a booklet. No sticker for decoration.  No bow to hold it together.  Not even a staple.

Guest Book at wedding of Woody and Velma Davis Woodring 1927
The cover of the Guest Book
I wonder if Velma didn't have enough paper
to start over.  This is not her handwriting.
Maybe her sister Violetta made this booklet for her.

Guest Book at wedding of Woody and Velma Davis Woodring 1927
Click to enlarge

It seems only some of the guests signed their own names because much of the handwriting looks the same.  Guests included Velma’s sister and brothers, some aunts and uncles and cousins, a few neighbors, and college friends.   There are no other “Woodrings,” so apparently Woody’s family did not make the trip from Pennsylvania for this happy occasion.

I wonder what my great-grandparents Walter and Mary Frances Jollett Davis served at their daughter’s reception.

© 2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. I think all these weddings of yesterday, often inside one's own house or gardens, were the most lovely of weddings, and besides the closeness, and money saved, think about all the memories that you can relive everything you're there. Yes, more of us should return to this, don't you think?

  2. Oh, look at all of those lovely gifts on the table. What a shame that the groom's family wasn't present at his wedding.

  3. As humble as they may have appeared, how wonderful that these keepsakes were passed down to you now!

  4. Lovely memories of a family wedding, a beautiful keepsake.

  5. The cover of the wedding book is lovely. I love it when these special things survive the years for us to enjoy today/

  6. I love the photo of the gifts. I just found a newspaper article about my 2nd great grandparents' 25th wedding anniversary celebration and there was a list of the gifts they received - and I believe two of them are in my house!

  7. I like their wedding outfit, simple though elegant and in style with the era.
