
Monday, January 14, 2013

Awards Shmwards: I'm No Jodie Foster

Blog awards serve a noble purpose as a networking tool to help bloggers find readers and readers find bloggers.  When I received the Illuminating Blogger Award some months ago, I was shocked.  After all, I’m just a small blogger with a readership that could fit in my living room.  Still, it really was humbling to think SOMEBODY out there likes me, they really really like me (thank-you, Sally Fields).  

The other half of receiving the award is passing it on to other bloggers.  Frankly, I loved receiving the award.  I just didn’t like finding 5 or 15 others to give it to. Terrible, I know.  So what did I do?  I Googled “opinions on Blog Awards” to find how other bloggers handle such matters.  That’s when I discovered that some people have made a conscious decision to be award-free. 

That’s easy enough.  I’ll be “Award-Free.”  Done.  Of course, such an announcement is rather presumptuous, I suppose, suggesting I’m far too busy to be bothered with all those awards that no doubt would come flooding in.  Nevertheless, I located an “Award-Free Blog” image and slapped it in the right-hand column at the top of the page where everyone who stumbled upon my blog would see it. 

I thought it was working too because it’s been a long time since anyone has tried to pay me a compliment.  But this weekend Debi Austin of Who Knew and Jacqi Stevens of A Family Tapestry, two of my favorite bloggers, awarded me the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, which is a thank-you to loyal followers who offer thoughtful comments on their blogs. 

Recalling the saying “be careful what you wish for,” now I have to face the harsh truth that my blogging friends weren’t just being respectful of my wishes – they just didn’t see it.  How funny.

But you know what – I’m making an exception by accepting this one because it recognizes my loyalty and kindness as a READER of blogs while not expecting any creativity or ability to inspire.  As the originator of the award said, “As bloggers we are also readers.  That is a part of blogging as listening is a part of speaking.

So here are the rules:

1. Thank the nominator and link back to their site as well.
I don’t know how anyone can read Who Knew and A Family Tapestry and NOT comment.  Their stories and pictures make me want to be in their family.  So Debi and Jacqi, I humbly accept this virtual “blunt object and will use it as a weapon against self-doubt” (thank-you, Anne Hathaway).

2. Display the award logo on your blog.

3. Nominate no more than fourteen readers of your blog you appreciate and leave a comment on their blogs to let them know about the award.
14??  I’m on my way to let these writers know how much I appreciate their comments:
What surprises and gratifies me most is that most of these loyal readers are not family history bloggers, yet they come back time after time to read and comment about the stories of my family.  

4. Finish this sentence:  A great reader is
one who extends the conversation by connecting to the emotion or the point of the story.

This award also would go to Jana at Jana’s Genealogy and Family History Blog if she hadn’t already received it and to my sister if she had a blog.

© 2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Congratulations, Wendy, you deserve it! Thank you very much for giving it to me. This one really, really makes me feel good. I could have written this post myself, if I could write as good as you do, lol. Sometimes awards seem more like email forwards ... but this one is very touching, actually. I like that the rules are simple. I would give it right back to you if you hadn't given it to me first.


    Kathy M.

    1. You're so welcome. You always make me feel good too.

  2. Congratulations—and thanks for thinking of me! I wish I could give this award to you. I always look forward to your insightful—and often witty—comments. I count you as one of my closest blogging friends. :)

    Thanks again!

  3. Wendy, I always love reading your blog and commenting is so easy. You're right, I didn't notice your "Award Free Blog" sign :-)

    1. No problem. Since this award emphasizes READERship and not WRITERship, I don't feel the same weight of obligation.

  4. Well...we'll let you slide this time...but only if we can all steal your "Award Free Blog" image! ;)

    Thank you, Wendy, for making an exception this time. Can't wait to see the blogs you enjoy reading. And no, you aren't being presumptuous. You are right about the time it takes to formulate a does take a long time--time I really need to just write more posts! While, overall, it's been fun being in this flurry of awards, I'm rethinking the whole thing, too.

    1. If you're serious about coming over to the dark side, there are tons of Award-Free Blog images. Just Google that term and select "Images." I like this one because the sepia photo goes along with my focus. I don't own it, so you're welcome to it.

  5. WoW...thanks...and congrats!
    I will do #4 A great reader is one who loves history! I love non fiction and you have such fun details and photos and inspire me to find out more about my family history...I am even using google earth to find my parents' homes from ages ago.

    I love your run, jump swim and cartwheel comment...Happy Monday my friend :)

  6. Wendy! Congrats! I would have nominated you for this award too, but I knew your blog was an "Award Free Blog." So, consider yourself honorarily nominated by me too. :)

    And like Jacqi, I'm starting to reconsider all of this blog award frenzy. I may need to find my own "Award Free Blog" image or if you don't mind me being a copycat, I may just use your cute image.

    1. Thanks Jana! And as I said to Jacqi, there are lots of free images but the one I chose is certainly "cute" enough for those of us dwelling in a black and white and sepia world.

  7. Here I am LATE...again...with no excuse except...mmmmmthinking...okay, I'm just late!!! Thank you so much for the Readership Award, and as you said, it's much like being a good listener, and that my friend is a Compliment! I had a good LOL on your thoughts about having a seemingly invisible Award Free Sign. Have you seen mine?

    Thanks again....I accept.

    1. OK Sue, your sign is REALLY invisible. Or maybe it's on a different blog. Or maybe you're pulling my leg.

  8. Wendy, your "Award Free Blog" image is too small because I missed it! I also missed realizing that you'd already received the award I came to bestow, the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. So much for award free, huh? (She says with a chuckle.) So, because you've already written a post, you can just accept the one I'm giving you. I really want you to know how much I appreciate your reading, visiting, and leaving comments on my blog posts. It means a lot, Wendy. Thank you. (If you want to read my post it's at

    1. Thanks Nancy! I've added your name under the award logo.

  9. I too would like to see your "Award Free Blog" image much more apparent Wendy... Maybe as noticeable as the Award?
    Cheerio and happy blogging, Catherine
