
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Peace!

Wordless Wednesday is a daily prompt at Geneabloggers that asks family historians to create a post in which the main focus is a photograph or image.

Mary Davis Slade, Mary Jollette Slade Pollock, Wendy Slade Mathias
Momma, Mary Jollette, Me
Could we be any more relevant in 1970, giving the Peace sign?
Don't ask me why we're on our knees.

See the pink wig stand?  I got a wig for Christmas in preparation for the next semester at Madison College (now James Madison University).  I was signed up for swimming and needed to be able to get from the pool to my next class looking presentable in the days before blow-dryers.   

© 2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Love the smiles & the peace signs. Also like the tree covered in tinsel. Many trees don't do tinsel any more. We have to keep it off because our cats will eat it. ha.

    1. I don't do tinsel either, but not because of pets (there are none). Probably years of watching my mother place tinsel carefully piece by piece made me decorate differently.

  2. The peace signs are great! You all look so happy. :)

  3. Groovy idea about the wig Wendy...but, did you have wet or damp hair under that wig?? And, when do we get to see a photo of this wig or of you wearing the wig?

    1. Yep, that would have been wet hair under the wig although probably we were required to wear a swimming cap. And honestly, I don't think I ever took a picture while wearing it. It was a good wig, not like a Halloween wig. No doubt I was quite alluring.

  4. I'm surprised that the peace sign has come back into fashion. And I'm with Jana - let's see a photo of you wearing the wig!

    1. As soon as I get something on you and Jana, I'll look for a photo.

  5. Yes, tinsel, and we had bubble lights as well because we lived with our grandparents. I loved those decorated trees, and they weren't fake. We had a bald angel at the top. Should have gotten her a wig I guess. :-)

    1. At first I read that as a "bald eagle" on your tree. I bet the bald angel was a show stopper.

  6. Is that a Chrissy doll that Mary is holding?...the one whose hair grew long from a hole in the top of her head? I had one too...I still have mine somewhere packed away in our house. I see the 1960's/1970/s two tiered end table with the nut cracker bowls, accessorized with a pair of nut crackers and picks. We had a one of those too. It's funny, you see the nuts being sold at the grocery stores this time of year, but what do people put them in nowadays?

    1. We'll have to ask Mary about that doll, but Chrissy sounds right. The 2-tiered coffee table and nut bowl are certainly iconic. But you missed the STEREO CABINET. My wig stand is on it.

    2. Yep it is a Chrissy doll. I still have mine somewhere around here. Maybe we can get our dolls together and hang out! LOL

      Look at Momma's pants! WOW-now they were groovy!

    3. Oh, and we all have the SAME hands and fingers LOL
