
Sunday, May 20, 2012

And the award goes to ...

M.J. Joachim of Lots of Crochet Stitches surprised me with the Beautiful Blogger Award.  We “met” during the A to Z April Challenge.  She doesn’t do family history and I don’t crochet, but for some strange reason we have taken an interest in each other’s blogs.  Her clear and precise tutorials complete with photos make her blog a must for handcrafters. And for non-crafters, her blog is just a colorful delight, quite a departure for us family historians who dwell in a mostly black and white or sepia world. 

I’ve been around the blogging block enough to have seen lots of awards:  One Beautiful Blog, Stylish Blogger, Kreative Blogger, Versatile Blogger, etc.  I know the concept:  Someone nominates you.  You thank them with a link back to their blog.  You tell random stuff about yourself.  You nominate others.  They link back to you. The point is to increase traffic by attracting people to your blog who might not have found you otherwise.
It is a genius networking idea. 

I’ve never received a blog award before, so I hadn’t really considered how I felt about them until now.  Quite honestly, I’m not worried about the traffic to my blog.  I know it has a very narrow appeal.  Since I’m not trying to make money with it, a small audience is fine. 

Then what if you don’t really want to participate?  I hate to insult a loyal follower who thought enough of my blog to nominate me.  How can you say, “Thanks but no thanks” without seeming ungrateful?  I don’t want to give the impression that I think I’m too busy to be bothered.  That’s not it.  I’m not even sure what it is.  I think I’m scared to nominate others.  Let’s just say it’s reward enough when people leave a comment.

So here is my compromise:  for this one time I’m accepting the award, but after that this blog will be Award Free.  I’m following the rule that I must share 7 random things about myself:

1.       I’m not a chocolate person – I prefer Skittles, red licorice, and Starburst.

2.       I play handbells at my church. 

3.       I support Virginia wine, the Napa Valley of the east.

4.       I can tie a maraschino cherry stem into a knot using only my tongue and teeth.

5.       I don’t like to wear maroon clothes.

6.       I enjoy stories of intrigue, primarily by Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, and David Baldacci.

7.       I HATE when people won’t walk 10 steps to put a grocery cart in the cart return.  I routinely gather carts that are taking up perfectly close parking spots, but I cheer myself up by imagining that I am ramming the culprits in the ankles with a grocery cart.

The next requirement is to nominate others.  I nominate YOU.  Let me know if you want the award and I’ll gladly nominate you immediately.  I know of several bloggers looking to increase traffic and make a little income, so I fully expect some blogger-friends to take me up on the offer. 

In the meantime, I so appreciate the gesture, the mark of a true friend.  And I appreciate all who visit and take the time to comment. 

©2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. I am totally with you on #7!! And if I am really annoyed, like if I just watched them leave it behind a car I say, "Oh, I will put this back for you!"

    And #2...I teach handbells to my kindergartners. I wrote a grant to get new is so beautiful to hear them play.

    Lastly, #1...I love chocolate...and black licorice...none of the sweet stuff. We'd make a good pair in a candy store....we wouldn't eat the candies the other person bought.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Re #7 -- the sarcasm of your "kindness" probably went right over their heads. But I thank you for being a cart angel.

  2. OK, so is it alright to say "Congratulations" on your blog award? If so, Congratulations!!

    #1...Have I mentioned that chocolate has it's own place of honor on my food pyramid? Yes, I am a total chocolate person, although I do enjoy skittles and starburst as well. :)

    #2...I don't play handbells, but I have heard them played before and they are so beautiful!

    And #6...I have to say my favorite books are authored by Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Lucy Maude Montgomery, and the like.

    Oh, and I'm so with you on the commenting thing. I really appreciate it when people leave comments on my blog!

    1. Thanks Jana -- yes, I'm glad to receive the award. I just don't want to give one, even though I totally subscribe to the idea that it's better to give than to receive.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like to imagine that the people who left their stupid carts in the parking spot were being chased by a mad man with a knife and that's why they left their cart; otherwise I would REALLY ram them in the ankles.

  5. Congrats on your award! I'm with you on number 7--it seems like most of us are. It drives me insane when people won't extend basic courtesy.

    1. thanks! I don't know if some shoppers think they're too good or it's not their job, but most stores have made cart returns convenient.

  6. Finally making the rounds...and yes, I have to agree with you on the grocery cart thing.

    Thanks for accepting the award, Wendy:) You don't have to do something to enjoy it. I enjoy learning history through your eyes and family, and I'm thrilled you enjoy keeping tabs on my one of my favorite pastimes!

    My middle child is graduating high school tomorrow...wonder if anyone will ever blog about it in some 50 or 60 I think that's one of the reasons I like your blog so much. Family is the most important thing in a person's life. Your blog brings that point home perfectly:)

    Best to you, kind friend...and please know that when it comes to blog awards, you're always on my list:) No worries....just a warm fuzzy for you, that's all:) Happy Wednesday, dear lady:)

    1. Wow -- that's an early graduation date. Most high schools around here go until almost the middle of June. I wonder if there will even be blogs in 50 years. Somebody might be going through an Internet archive and wonder what these silly things their ancestors were writing.
