
Saturday, April 28, 2012

A to Z April Challenge: Y is for Youngins

This is day 25 of the A to Z April Challenge.

is for Youngins.  Little folks make delightful subjects for photos.  Here is a random sampling of photos that have been passed down in my family.

I love everything about this photo of my maternal grandfather's sisters Violetta and Velma taken probably about 1911.  Violetta's stance and the position of her arm remained the same as an elderly woman. 

This is a picture of my mother Mary Eleanor Davis (Slade) and her brother Orvin Davis Jr. taken probably late 1929.
How cute is this?  This is Virginia Maiden, daughter of Minnie Coleman and Arthur Maiden.  She was born in 1911, so this picture must have been taken about 1915 or 1916, wouldn't you think?  Virginia's mother was one of my maternal grandfather's cousins.

Here is one dollbaby.  If you click on the image to enlarge it, you might see she's wearing two rings and a ribbon bracelet.  This is Alda Clift, daughter of Sallie Jollett and George Clift.  Sallie and George lost two children in a fire, so I bet this cutie patooty was doted on.  Alda was born in 1905, so I date this picture about 1906.

This is one of Alda's brothers Raymond.  I wonder what he was thinking about.  He was born in 1900, so probably this portrait was made at the same time as Alda's.

Maxine and Pauline Strole were children of Granddaddy's cousin Pearl Sullivan and her husband Clyde Strole.  Maxine was quite the fashionista with that fur collar and muff.

Could there be a better Christmas for my cousins Bobbie and Glenn Davis?  I can remember being totally jealous that Bobbie got a cowgirl outfit (with a gun, no less!).  Cowgirl outfit, doll, doll house, and ironing board.  Looks like a great Christmas to me!

And who is that long-legged cute girl taking care of her baby sister in 1959?  Velveteen pedal-pushers and a pink top.  Sister in cloth diapers.  Priceless!


Yippee!  There will be no Yawning over the Yarns Yielded by Yuppies, Youngsters, Yokels, and Yodelers over Yonder at the A to Z April Challenge.

©2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Well aren't we cute? I hope Bob-o sees this post! They look great in their Christmas pic!

  2. Such cute pictures! I love the little fashionistas!

  3. HI, I found you through the 'surprise me' button. Great post. I doubt very much if we have any relations in common as we are UK residents (although one branch did emigrate to Canada).
    New follower from A - Z

  4. Such cute babies! All of them and what fun you must have to add to your's so much fun to visit here:)

  5. That picture of the youngin' Virginia is one of the best old time photos I have seen. The pose, her smile and that chair combine to make a fantastic photo. That photographer was way ahead of his time!

    Happy A-Z Saturday!

  6. Hello Wendy, beautiful space, passing to say hello, nice to read your text.
    if you like the poetry I invite you to my space, thank you.
    happy day.

  7. Such a wealth of great photos! That Christmas pic looks like it could have been my sister and I. I can recall when we had our cowboy and cowgirl outfits. Same with my twin brother and sister who came about 8 years after I was born.

    Places I Remember
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  8. What wonderful pictures! I love them. You have a beautiful site here.

  9. What treasures all of the pictures are. I had to enlarge the one of cousins Bobbie and Glen...what a pricless Christmas photo. Just look at him in his Hopalong Cassiday outfit. I tell you they are both decked out in a Collectors Dream Come True! Great post and fantastic photos. Well done. I can't believe we are to Letter Z next. It's been a fun month and I've so enjoyed your posts....Sue

  10. Great pix! And I had that SAME panda bear. I still have him! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at

  11. Wendy, what a great word for "Y"! Young-ins. That Christmas picture reminds me of when I was little ... those were the days. If you only had two kids you got more I guess. We had four.

    Loved all of these,

    Kathy M.

  12. That's really a fine collection here.
