
Monday, April 23, 2012

A to Z April Challenge: T is for Tacky

This is day 20 of the A to Z April Challenge.

is for Tacky.  Tacky Maude.  That’s the curious name of the wife of my 2nd cousin 2X removed.  I’m not including her last name because I wouldn’t want a cousin Googling her to suddenly find me laughing at their great-grandmother.  It would be tacky.

Where Bluford and Fanny Finangus [not telling the surname] got the idea for Tacky is a mystery, as is why THEIR parents chose Bluford and Fanny Finangus. 

But this is what I know of Tacky:

Tacky (also spelled Tackey and Tackie), born July 17, 1880 in Greene County, Virginia, was the second oldest of 9 children.  She married and had at least two children, maybe 3 (confusing census records).  By 1920 she and her son had moved back home with her parents, and she was listed as single.  But in 1930, she was listed as divorced, still living with her parents and now two children. 

Tacky Maude died December 12, 1948 in Albemarle County, Virginia. Her obituary says she was survived by two adopted children.  However, there is no mention of her own children.

Being left out of the obituary – now that’s tacky.

Fo more Terrific Tales, Trot on over to the A to Z April Challenge.

©2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. LOL, we have several family members who have been left out of obits, very TACKY.

    Po' thang, being named Tacky. Bless her heart.

  2. Wonderfully scandalous! A writer couldn't create better characters than what you have in your very own family.


  3. No matter how removed, sometimes those 'Tacky Relatives' seem to have some sort of impact on the Family Tree...couldn't be helped with a name like Tackie or for that matter Bluford and Fanny Finagus. Really...who does that to their offspring!!! Ditto on Po Thangs...Bless their hearts!

  4. I have noticed some peculiar names in the past. There must be a story to some of those but we may never know. This is a fun entry.

    Places I Remember
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  5. that is a peculiar name---this coming from someone named nutschell:)
    Happy A-Zing!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Tacky is such a hilarious name - it almost sounds made up but I believe you. How funny.

    My aunt is a "geneaholic" as you say; imagine a Type A personality to the Nth degree with 40 years of administrative experience and a burning desire to research family history - whoa, stand back! I reap the benefits by having someone in my family do all the research for me. The internet has really opened things up for her, so all your previous research will probably be a great launching point for what's out there now.

  7. When I was researching my genealogy, I came across a census record from the early 20th century, and my great-grandmother's first name was listed as "Cunchy." I would have been really confused if I didn't already that she was an Italian immigrant named "Concetta." :-)
