
Friday, April 20, 2012

A to Z April Challenge: R is for Robert Rucker

This is day 18 of the A to Z April Challenge.

is for Robert “Bob” Rucker, my great grand uncle.  He was my maternal grandmother’s uncle, brother to her father Joseph Calhoun Rucker.  Uncle Bob ran the meat market in Shenandoah, Virginia.  He took over for his father Frank who had opened the shop in 1870.

Rucker Meat Shop at the corner of Virginia Avenue
and Main Street early 1900s
scanned from Shenandoah: A History of Our Town and Its People

The building was later torn down about 1920 and Uncle Bob moved his business to his home on Third Street.

Together Frank and Bob served the citizens of Shenandoah and Page County for 70 years.

Bob was born to Frank and Sarah Herndon Rucker August 15, 1863.  In 1901 he married Mattie Wood.  They had two children:  John (1904) and Mary Christmas (25 Dec 1906 – 22 Mar 1999).  Bob died on New Year’s Day 1951. 

Uncle Bob Rucker in his bloody apron
scanned from Shenandoah: A History of Our Town and Its People

Run Right over to the A to Z April Challenge for more Roaring good Reads.

©2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Here you have the Butcher in your family you also have a Baker and Candlestick Maker? Love it that they named their daughter Mary Christmas...born on December 25th. The pictures are nice they are part of a History Book. Well done for the Letter 'R'.

    1. I doubt it. My family is more like that little known nursery rhyme, "The Butcher, The Farmer, The Farmer, and the Farmer."

  2. Replies
    1. I was just reading along, until I came to the name Mary Christmas, and I am cracking up, even though I know that you didn't make that up! How clever, and to spell it that way. She could have been just as easily named Mary Christine or something. Ha!

      Great post!

      Kathy M.

  3. I remember Grandma thinking her cousin, Mary's name was so funny. Good choice for "R"
