
Friday, April 13, 2012

A to Z April Challenge: L is for Laura

This is day 12 of the A to Z April Challenge.

is for Laura.  Laura Jollett Sullivan was one of my great-grandmother’s sisters.  She was born May 30, 1865 in Greene County, Virginia and died July 30, 1947.  She married William J. Sullivan in January 1886.  They moved to Shenandoah, Virginia, where they ran a store, and Will served on the town council.  They had 5 daughters. 

Laura and Will Sullivan with some of the grandchildren
Now here’s what I don’t understand.  Laura had a lovely name.  Laura and Will – sounds so modern and refined.  So where did they get the names for those lovely children:  Minnie, Flora, Elta, Lula Pearl, and Leota.   

Whew!  They had some names!  Not the prettiest names on the block, but they were probably the nicest people on the block.  As older women, they were just the sweetest ladies you’d ever want to meet. 

Sadly, I can't remember who is who.  But the 2nd from the left
is my grandmother Lucille Rucker Davis.  The woman
on the far right is Elta Sullivan Farrar.
Judging by her smile in so many photos that have been passed down in the family, I’m sure Laura must have been sweet too.

Look at some more Lovely bLogs  at the A to Z April Challenge.

©2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. ...and she was one lucky lady!

    1. Precious. We have a Flora and a Pearl, but some of those names I've never heard of. So neat to meet more of your folks, Wendy.

      Kathy M.

  2. Sweet names for sweet ladies, and Laura is a lovely name. As I've said before, I could have been named after some really doozies of a name. I have a Lula and a Pearl in my Family Tree, too. Neat family pictures. Can't you just imagine the conversation between the sisters as they sat next to the homemade ice cream maker. I see your grandmother was not far from her purse...mine always had her purse on her arm...even sitting...she always had to have a hanky handy. Great post...enjoyed it very much....Sue

  3. Laura Sullivan will ALWAYS be the best Christmas tag hint to me, "Mother of Pearl!" and Elta will always be the Cradock Gazette.

    Funny, in your photo they are all wearing a shade of blue.
