
Saturday, April 7, 2012

A to Z April Challenge: G is for Grandma

This is day 7 in the A to Z Challenge. 

is for Grandma.  My grandmother Lucille Rucker Davis always had a new hat, especially at Easter.  She went through a stage of wearing similar hats, typically tall with a short brim.  For some reason we always referred to them as her “lid.”  And then we’d laugh. 

Here are two prime examples:
Easter 1967

Grandma and Granddaddy Davis
Grandma always liked pictures near her flowers.

Grandma wore a similar hat back in the 1920s!

Grandma is on the left.  This might have
been a school outing.

Maybe because she grew up in a time when wearing a hat to church was the norm, Grandma always made sure we had hats for Easter too.

Top left: Moi 1960
Top right: My sister Mary Jollette  - not sure what year but Momma made that cape and hat
Bottom left:  Me and my sister probably 1962 -- does she look 3 to you?  Anyway -- One of my favorite Easter outfits -  a beige suit with red hat, red clutch, and red Trotters (complete with socks!!).  Mary Jollette got a baby duck.
Bottom right:  1967 - I'm tres chic in a yellow suit with white hat and accessories (even gloves!)  Even baby sista has a suit and gloves.  Daddy always got everyone a corsage.

When my first child came along, she wore the French bonnet that I wore as a baby. 

1982 - 4 generations
Momma, Grandma, me and Jordan

They don't make lids like that anymore!

Gee, can’t Get enough?  Then Go to A to Z April Challenge for more G posts.

©2014, Wendy Mathias.  All rights reserved.


  1. Aww, I might cry. This is the best girl. I love seeing Momma and Grandma, they look so good. You and Jordan, too sweet. I hadn't seen those young pictures of Grandma.

    I still have that Cape-SOME WHERE. I loved that beaded purse too.

    Wear your "lid" in honor of Grandma.

    1. Oh, Wendy, I love this, seeing the ladies of the family in hats and Easter dresses. So sweet! Happy Easter!

      Kathy M.

  2. What a beautiful post! I love hats fact I need to pull out an old Easter photo of myself in a silly lid! I totally adore and am ealous of your 4 generation photo. My grandparents had passed on when by the time I was born but I do have a photo of my son, his dad and grand and greatgrandfather.

    Happy A-Z April!

  3. Lovely pictures of your family in hats. Especially liked the picture of your grandmother driving the car and the one of your grandparents not looking directly at the camera, it's fun shot. I'm sure you treasure your four generation picture. I have a five generation picture taken when I was a baby and it's among my most treasured possessions. Happy Easter!

  4. Beautiful photos! Those hats are wonderful. We just don't dress up like we used to, unfortunately. The four generation photo is a treasure and your daughter is beautiful. What a joyous smile! Happy Easter.

  5. Your grandma developed her style early and stuck to it--just like Jacki Kennedy. Love those old pictures. I'm removing my lid now to fly off on another hop.

  6. What a lovely post! Your grandma really has style. :)

  7. Hi Wendi; those were such formal times. We wore similar outfits at that time in Switzerland. The "lids" really suited your Grandma, well and you all were beautifully dressed. My mother used to make our dresses. All the photos are wonderful, memories for ever, really enjoyed your story and photos.

  8. I love your grandmother's lids!
