
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday's Obituary: James Franklin Jollett

James Franklin Jollett was my great-great grandfather.  I have heard that he was a sentimental man who would cry when you came to visit and cry when you left.  His granddaughter Vessie Jollett Steppe said he would hold the grandchildren on his lap, cut apple slices for them while teasing and playing with them.  Look at those little cheeks -- doesn't he look like a sweet man?

17 Nov. 1836 Greene Co, VA -
3 Jun. 1930 Augusta Co, VA

During the Civil War he was traveling by train delivering Union prisoners to a camp. One of the prisoners began to cry as they passed his home, and he said he'd do anything to see his family again. Grandpap Frank told the prisoner he was going to step outside to take a smoke. When he came back in, the prisoner was gone. Hmm. You don't suppose ....

Here is his obituary:

James Franklin Jollett of Harriston, Augusta County, a brother of the late Rev. John W. Jollett, of Jollett, this county [Page], and the father of Mrs. A. J. [Emma] Coleman, Mrs. W. J. [Laura] Sullivan, Mrs. D. B.[Victoria] Breeden, Mrs. Sallie Clift, and Mrs. W. B.[Mary] Davis, of Shenandoah, this county [Page], passed away at his home at 2 a.m., on Tuesday in his 94th year.  He had been in declining health for some time on account of the infirmities of age, but was confined to his bed for only a few days before the end, which came peacefully.

In previous years the News and Courier has reported a number of family gatherings held to celebrate successive birthdays of this remarkable old gentleman, who retained his faculties and his capacity to enjoy life far past the allotted time of man.  He was ninety-three years old last November.  Mr. Jollett was a man of marked Christian character, who drew constant joy and inspiration from his religion, and was a devout and useful member of the Brethren church during his long, useful life.  He was born in Greene county and during his earlier manhood moved to Augusta, where he operated his little farm near Harriston for many years, enjoying peace and contentment and the highest regard of his neighbors.  His first wife [Lucy Ann Shiflett Jollett] was from Greene county, the second wife [Eliza Coleman], now his widow, from Augusta.  All of his children are from the first union.  To the list of those at Shenandoah are to be added B. L. Jollett, of Greene County, U. S. Jollett, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Leanna Knight of Nortonsville, VA.  There was a general exodus of all the Shenandoah relationship to attend the funeral which was held from the Brethren church at Harriston and was attended by all of the children.

Source:  The Page News & Courier - edition of 6 June 1930 page 1, col. 2

1 comment:

  1. For some reason your blog isn't coming up in my blogger. I have to go look for you. How did I miss this story of the union soldier??
